Melancholic temperament

Melancholic physiognomy, icon, face, Wenceslao Vial book

The melancholic temperament

The person with melancholic temperament is deep and revolves around the idea. Like all temperaments, is a gift received. On these inherited characteristics it is possible to develop a better character every day, which fosters good self-esteem and a kind life with others.

Strengths of the melancholic temperament:

  • He is inclined to contemplation.
  • Seek perfection in everything.
  • It’s independent.
  • He is patient and resilient.

Weak points of the melancholic temperament:

  • You have a tendency to get sucked into your thoughts and feelings.
  • He fears action, in which the imperfection due to human limitation inevitably manifests itself.
  • He fears uncertainty, he does not like to take risks.
  • He is inclined to pessimism.
  • He worries about unimportant things.
  • He works poorly in a team, he likes to do things his way.
  • Easily feels offended, has a tendency to criticize others.

🔎 The melancholy has above all a need for audacity.

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