Choleric temperament

Choleric icon, choleric face, temperament, Alex Havard Test, Wenceslao Vial books

The choleric is energetic

The peron with choleric temperament is action oriented. Allows for great conquests or disappointments. With this inherited way of being one can build a happy personality that gives peace to others, or become a burden to oneself and others. It is useful to know one’s strengths and weaknesses, and the virtues that should be encouraged.

Strengths of the choleric temperament:

  • Energy, enthusiasm, decision.
  • He is self-confident: he is aware of his talents.
  • He is a born entrepreneur: he starts numerous projects.
  • He is a born manager: he moves things forward quickly.
  • He likes power, he performs in competition.

Weak points of the choleric temperament:

  • He is inclined to pride and anger.
  • He does not spend time thinking before deciding.
  • He is inclined to blind activism.
  • He tends to confrontation and dictatorship.
  • He doesn’t easily recognize his mistakes.
  • In managing people, he finds it difficult to respect the feelings of others, make them grow and take responsibility, serve them.

🔎 The choleric has above all a need for humility.

After the Test he calculates the percentage of your primary temperament:


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