Dependent Personality Disorder

Dependent Trait Characteristics


Dependent Disorder belongs to Cluster C: introversion and fear are prominent.


  •  Pathological need to be cared for
  •  Intense suffering due to relational difficulties
  •  They place the responsibility for their lives on others.
  •  Insecure about their abilities and unable to make decisions
  •  Fear of offending the people they depend on


* They are capable of anything, including very humiliating actions or unpleasant tasks, to avoid being left alone or autonomous, which leads to submissive behavior.

* When they end a more intimate relationship, they urgently seek another as a source of support.

* The prevalence in the general population would be less than 1%.

👉 How to cope with a Personality Disorder

Source (in Spanish): Wenceslao Vial, Madurez psicológica y espiritual, Palabra.
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Trastorno de personalidad anancástica, icono del comportamiento obsesivo-compulsivo