Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Trait Characteristics


Borderline disorder belongs to Cluster B: there is extroversion, amplified or unpredictable emotionality.


  •  Instability of self-image
  • Variations in mood, affect, behavior and interpersonal relationships
  • Severe self-esteem deficit
  •  Marked impulsivity in behaviors
  •  Ambivalence in feelings towards self and others
  •  Frequent fluctuations: joy-sadness, love-hate, serenity-anger
  •  Depression and anger alternate
  •  Drastic changes in the vision of the world and of others.
  •  Tendency to self-injury, to neutralize psychic pain


* It is called borderline since the mid-twentieth century, because it was believed to be on the borderline between psychosis and neurosis.

* It is the cause of important problems in interpersonal relationships. It becomes more evident in the first adult age and tends to alleviate with the passage of the years.

* It affects mainly women (75%).

* People often think that they have suffered deprivation of care in their childhood and seek constant attention.

* Prevalence varies between 1.6 and 5.9% of the general population.

👉 How to cope with a Personality Disorder


Source (in Spanish): Wenceslao Vial, Madurez psicológica y espiritual, Palabra.

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